1130 E Missouri Ave. Ste 830, Phoenix, Arizona 85014

About Janae Munday

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So far Janae Munday has created 29 blog entries.

How Compassion Can Heal Close Relationships

If you’re in a troubled marriage or other close relationship, you may be asking yourself what went wrong. How could the good times you once had turn into the dark days you feel you’re living through right now? If your relationship is filled with conflict, misunderstandings or periods of frustrated silence, you may find [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |

Why Empathy Matters in our Closest Relationships

What do happy couples know how to do that unhappy ones don’t?This is the question behind a new meta-analysis of 21 unique research papers on the role of empathy in fostering satisfaction in marriage and other close relationships.Specifically, the meta-analysis looked at an ability known as empathetic accuracy – an ability that couples therapists frequently [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |

6 Signs That It’s Time for Couples Therapy

Does the thought of going to counseling sound frightening to you or your partner? If the answer is yes, maybe that’s because we associate therapy with relationships that are in serious trouble. But couples therapists say that getting counseling can be helpful at nearly any stage of a marriage or serious relationship – even [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |

How Our Relationships Keep Us Healthy

Relationships are the center of our existence as humans. They define who we are and bring us some of life’s greatest pleasures and sorrows. Some of our relationships come about naturally, but others take a tremendous amount of effort on our part. As we strive to live rewarding, healthy lives, it’s helpful to reflect [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |

For men suffering from depression, seeking help is the most powerful move

Depression is a difficult place to live. Statistically speaking, more women than men will deal with depression over the course of a lifetime, yet we know that millions of men will face this difficulty, too. So why is it so much harder for men to seek professional help when they’re struggling with the debilitating [...]

2023-09-04T05:06:32-07:00By |

Can Sunlight Cure My Depression?

Here in the Phoenix area, we enjoy abundant sunshine all year long. This should be a really good thing for those suffering from depression. But is sunlight really enough to lift your mood, especially if you’ve been feeling down for weeks? It’s true that sunlight can ease the effects of depression, but the sun’s beams [...]

2023-09-04T05:06:32-07:00By |

How Separated or Divorced Couples can plan a good summer for their kids

While all children look forward to the relaxation that summer brings, kids whose parents are no longer together must deal with the complication of having two parents who sometimes seem unable to make arrangements. Tasks that require simple planning, such as preparing for camp or accommodating last-minute plans can sometimes leave kids exposed to [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |

Summertime blues? 4 signs that it could be depression

It's summertime, and the living is easy. At least that's what the old song says – and looking at your friends’ Facebook pages, you might agree. But for some, summer isn't quite the funfest it’s made out to be. The hot, bright, long days of summer can turn some of us into grouches – or [...]

2025-01-27T23:00:26-07:00By |

A Therapist’s tips for couples traveling together

Whether it's your first weekend getaway or that highly anticipated, much-romanticized honeymoon trip, travel puts serious pressure on your relationship. Even one high-stress trip can result in painful rifts that hurt you as a couple.Your first trip will not only reveal your compatibility as a twosome, but ultimately how you might relate as a long-term [...]

2023-09-04T05:05:23-07:00By |
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